Ruled by the Heart Alone![](Assets/angel right.fw.png)
You are the children of God.............Nothing is impossible for you to do............Be rooted in truth, and the mind will be steadfast and focused.............Be patient and calm in conducting all your daily tasks..............Return to your heart each time you undergo the shivers of anxiety..............Do not forget that in this entire journey what matters most, is the peace you experience from within your Self............. Make sure you do not bargain that for any worldly profit.............
Honesty, sincerity , selflessness, patience, respect and love should be the underlying principles behind all your relationships...............You may encounters the weaknesses of others but that does not mean that you too must surface and retaliate with your weaknesses................In fact when another is in a state of weakness it must remind you to stand even firmer by truth and with that strength you must draw the strength of love from your heart and give the one that is falling your hand of understanding..................
Remember that Self Confidence is the armor of the one that is devoted to his spirit of love...........Love can accomplish anything and everything...............Deep rooted fears lead to impatience..........Impatience leads to anger...............and anger leads to an act of hatred................Hatred is the temporary death of the soul............and the one that experiences hatred finds himself swimming in resentments and repentance's.......... This effects the way one looks at his own self............One begins to have less respect for his Self............and in turn finds lesser respect for any other...........This ultimately results in the loss of Self Confidence and results in Self destruction............
Think before you do or say anything.............Remember if there is an error on your part things can only be corrected............but it can never be erased..............Do not be in haste to speak or to do without first letting it go through the channels of your heart..........Let your heart decide if what you wish to do is right or not..............Let your heart decide if it contains love or not.................The duty of the mind is to think, but don't forget the duty of the heart is to align the mind toward the law of love...
Do not feel helpless...........Let the light of goodness lead you moment to moment............Let the past and the future rest..........concentrate on the moment and exert all the faith you have in your Self for that moment............Then victory will be yours always.............